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Sam D. Mann

Monday, July 13, 2009

People don't like hard work

“I don’t think you can sell anything unless you quite genuinely feel that you want to persuade people, your own family, your own wife, your friends, the people you meet at dinner parties, the world at large, to use that product. And you can’t persuade them to do it unless you genuinely believe it. Good copy can’t be written with tongue in cheek, written just for a living. You’ve got to believe in the product. This may sound corny, but it happens to be the harsh reality.” David Ogilvy People want instant! They don’t like hard work. And the say "Hard work is over-rated". So, Just what the heck is INSTANT GRATIFICATION? Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant - Robert Louis Stevenson So, how many seeds have you sown today? How many seeds will you sow tomorrow? and the day after? Is your garden well diversified? Think about it then take action. You have enough stuff on your hard drive to plant a million seeds. Just take time out to prepare the soil, make sure it is well fertilised then plant them one seed at a time. Your daily task is to water and nurture them. You can do it if you know what you want to harvest and when you want to reap that harvest. So, stop reading this and go do your thing - I'll still be here when you return. Go now... What? You're still here? You can't make up your mind what you want to do? There's an easy answer for you at Maverick Money Makers Good luck. samDman Hot And Unique Resources, Ideas, and Tips to Improve Your Internet Marketing Results

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