Network Marketing Tool Generates Free Leads"
What is the most powerful network marketing tool on the face of the planet? Well it's simple. Article Marketing. It seems so simple, yet it is so often overlooked. Most people are looking for the "nest big thing". Whether it be through social websites like Facebook, and or Twitter, or through just plain old PPC advertising. People just seem to forget about the one thing that could generate them hundreds of leads each and every single day if used properly; article marketing.
Before we go on, I would just like to take a second and clear something up. Some of you might be thinking that article marketing really isn't that important, or maybe not that effective. All I have to say to you is try and tell that to the people generating hundreds of leads every single day through this network marketing tool. Content marketing is the most powerful marketing method available, IF it is done right. Simply put, whether it be through article marketing or any other type of marketing, you HAVE to be able to generate your own leads. You can be great at everything besides generating leads, and you will still fail miserably. You can think buying crappy leads from some company will get you through for as long as you want, but after that doesn't work out you can come back to this page. The most important aspect of network marketing is generating leads. If you can do that, everything else will come. I mean phoning, selling, and writing kick butt emails, are important..
But I mean if you can't do any of them besides generates hundreds of leads a day using content marketing, everything else will naturally fall into place. If you took time out of each and every day to call these people, it would not be long until you could talk a person into anything that you wanted. Soon you could practically sell a ketchup popsicle to a lady in white gloves, even though at this point in time you could have trouble selling a free car. If you wrote articles every single day, soon you would be shooting out professional sales letters that truly move people.
I don't think I need to go on with the talking-up of article marketing. I'm sure that by now you get the point. Lead generating IS important, therefore article marketing IS important.
Now that you know how important article marketing is, let me tell you exactly where most people go wrong. You see most people are under the impression that it only takes two articles to make them a million bucks. They think well I want to make 10 million dollars and then retire, so I'll just write a quick 20 articles. That's not quite how the whole thing works. Google rewards consistency. It's better to write 12 articles over the next 12 days, than 6 articles today and 6 in twelve days. Massive action brings back massive reward. The more leads that you want to bring in the more articles that you are going to have to write. A measly 3 just won't cut it. Not today anyway. That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that when this person looks back on the whole scenario, they have don't have a clue as to where they went wrong.
Even though, to me it is pretty obvious. Nothing good can come from small action. There is no saying that says small action equals big reward. That person would have a better chance of winning the lottery than they would have of being a top tier network marketer. Nothing happens over night. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort, if you are going to want to use this network marketing tool.
However, their are some ways that you can speed it up a little bit. You can use an article submission software, you can use video marketing as well, and you can use software marketing, which would make this whole thing article marketing on steroids.
First things first. You need to set yourself up a blog. You need to have a place to send those people reading all of your articles, and you cannot just send them straight to a lead capture page. This usually offends people, and they will just get up and leave.
Once people are at your blog, then it is time to get their name and email address, but not before then. It is just common network marketing etiquette, and the only proper way to use this network marketing tool.
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