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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oprah Wacky Cures and You

The cover story of a current production of Newsweek (Published Jun 6, 2009) screams the following headline in big bold letters: CRAZY TALK: Oprah Wacky Cures and You. In the article, Newsweek condemns Oprah for supporting unorthodox medication. It's just the hottest chapter in the media firestorm that is hell-bent on ridiculing and discrediting anybody who speaks out on the benefits of drugless approaches to health. Why would Newsweek run such a story? Because they're heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry -- that's why! And anything that could potentially endanger the trillion-dollar revenues of the pharmaceutical industry risks being ridiculed, maligned or even openly mortified by Big Pharma and the federal agencies that support it. This book titled "The One-Minute Cure" has also become the object of this smear crusade in recent weeks. "The One-Minute Cure," which attained the No. 1 bestseller place on's Health, Mind and Body (Alternative Medicine) category 4 times in the last 2 months -- and has consequently become a "thorn in the side" of Big Pharma -- has just been targeted as the next victim. Why? Because the technically established natural remedy described in "The One-Minute Cure" is the SINGLE BIGGEST THREAT to the revenues of both the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Two Outrageous things happened over the past 2 weeks that convinced the publishers that the "powers that be" at the pharmaceutical and medical industries are determined to take "The One-Minute Cure" out of readership for their own selfish motives. Here's what happened: 1) On May 18, YouTube removed the cancer cure video from its site even though the video has been a highly popular item on their site since August 2008. YouTube provided them with a vague, uncorroborated reason for the removal of the video -- and this lead them to believe that Big Pharma and federal agencies are leaning on YouTube to put a stop to the dissemination of the video's influential communication about the one-minute cure. The publisher has since moved the cancer cure video to another video host, but it's only a matter of time till they get to that site, too. 2) On April 29, the publisher ran a press realease about the one-minute cure. The press release became very popular very quickly, and was even picked up by some of the major social media sites like Digg, StumbleUpon and high-traffic blogs. However, on May 6, PR Web told them that the Federal Trade Commission demanded the removal of their press release from the PR Web servers. These 2 events are solid PROOF that industries and agencies beyond the publisher's control are determined to thwart their efforts to spread the word about the "One-minute Cure". Remember: The pharma-cartel is so powerful that it has been able to influence even the FDA to seize, destroy or prevent the publication of books that threaten the pharmaceutical industry's profits. It stands to reason that they will do everything in their power to take "The One-Minute Cure" out of circulation. That's why, for the sake of your health and the health of your loved ones, I urge you to get "The One-Minute Cure" as soon as possible -- while you still can. Don't delay because this book has completely sold out not once, but TWICE, since March -- and no one knows how long the book will be available to the public. So, if you'd like to get "The One-Minute Cure" that so many readers from all over the world are raving about --while you still can -- Go to NOW. Wishing you the best of health, Sammy P.S. Health and Wealth goes hand in hand... What does a slum dog have to do with making money online? You'd be surprised

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