WOW! You've published your homepage on the Internet. You acquired a red hot product and now you are showing it to the world To say you have a brilliant sales page would be an understatement. You checked links and browser compatibility ...and everything is working just fine And still, you aren't getting any sales. And you ask yourself "Why Oh Why, has no one got hold of my red-hot gizmo?" I will tell you why. Maybe it's because they don't know about it being presented on your site?
Well, what do you do now?
You must do something to get some traffic...that is, you must get people beating down your front page demanding your product. Rabid buyers with credit cards at the ready must pay a visit to your site before they will ever be able to to buy from you.
There are several effective forms of traffic generation, but each of them must be managed in the right way if they are to be profitable.
One high quality traffic source is that of targeted pay-per-click (PPC) traffic. To pick up this traffic, you pay for click-thrus from people that have searched or clicked on a actual search word that is related to your site and what you're selling. This traffic differs from search engine referral traffic only in that it is a result of a paid placement, while search engine referrals are normally not from paid placements.
Next to the above mentioned targeted sources of traffic, are numerous sources providing untargeted traffic. These comprise exit traffic, pop-up or pop-under traffic, and redirected traffic. Without going into the fine points on the variety sources of these forms of traffic, it's enough to say this is generally speaking global unrelated traffic. That being the case, it is generally speaking both easy on the pocket and is linked with a very low response rate. Untargeted sources of traffic perhaps may be better handled by using a "landing page" that creates some kind of intriguing interest in you, or your product, or web site. This Landing Page then intices your visitors to click through to your main page.
Having (ranted on about targeted traffic|said all of that|probably bored you to death about targeted traffic}, I have a secret tactic waitng for you. It's FREE, so go here and get it now...
The author of this article? Highlight and copy the following {include the quotation marks) "Sam D. Mann" Do a Google search. Click on the #1 result and you'll find your FREE Targeted Traffic System waiting for you.